Show Calendar


DakhaBrakha (plus support from Bunty)


7pm Venue and cafe bar open

8pm Bunty (support)

8.25pm - interval

8.45pm Dakhabrakha

10.15pm Event close

11pm Bar and venue close

Please note all timings are approximate and subject to change

About DakhaBrakha

“The group mixes everything from punk-pop to traditional Ukrainian songs in cool yet beguiling textures, often with the close harmonies usually associated with Balkan music. But it’s really the live shows that take DakhaBrakha beyond mere curiosity to utter brilliance.” NPR

DakhaBrakha is a world music quartet from Kyiv, Ukraine. Reflecting fundamental elements of sound and soul, Ukrainian 'ethno-chaos' band DakhaBrakha, create a world of unexpected new music.

DakhaBrakha was created in 2004 at the Kyiv Centre of Contemporary Art 'DAKH' by the avant-garde theatre director, Vladyslav Troitskyi, and given the name that means 'give/take' in the old Ukrainian language. Theatre work has left its mark on the band performances – their shows are always staged with a strong visual element.

After experimenting with Ukrainian folk music, the band has added rhythms of the surrounding world into their music, thus creating the unforgettable sound of DakhaBrakha. They strive to help open up the potential of Ukrainian melodies and to bring it to the hearts and consciousness of the younger generation in Ukraine and the rest of the world as well.

Accompanied by Indian, Arabic, African, and Ukrainian traditional instrumentation, the quartet’s astonishingly powerful and uncompromising vocal range creates a transnational sound rooted in Ukrainian culture. At the crossroads of Ukrainian folklore and theatre, their musical spectrum is at first intimate then riotous, plumbing the depths of contemporary roots and rhythms, inspiring 'cultural and artistic liberation'.

DakhaBrakha are Marko Halanevych (vocals, darbuka, cajon, accordion), Iryna Kovalenko (vocals, djembe, bass drums, accordion, percussion, bugay, zgaleyka, piano), Olena Tsybulska (vocals, bass drums, percussion, garmoshka) and Nina Garenetska (vocals, cello, bass drum).

About Bunty

'Great voice' Tom Robinson (BBC Radio 6)
'Brighton's rising star' Nick Luscombe (BBC Radio 3 )

Multi-dimensional artist Kassia Zermon aka Bunty is best known for pioneering underground experimental vocal loop shows and fronting UK leading dub act Resonators. Bunty's distinctive voice has been championed by likes of Rodigan, Mark Lamar and BBC Radio 6 tastemakers Tom Robinson and Lauren Laverne. Her influences are huge, bringing her Moroccan-Londoner roots to create her own blend of raw avant–pop music. She has been compared to FKA Twiggs and Tune-Yards. She is a fundamental figure of the grassroots scene in the UK and co-runs the artist-led Brighton venue, studio and label The Rose Hill.

General event information

Please note this is a STANDING EVENT.

Guests who use a wheelchair or experience mobility impairments are asked to call the box office on 01273 678822 or email so that we can assist you to find the best seat to suit your requirements.

Personal assistance tickets are available for free for customers who would otherwise be unable to attend the venue. Please contact the box office on 01273 678822 or email for further information.

The Box Office (phone line and drop-in service) is open from 10am to 4pm, Mondays to Fridays. The box office is also open one hour before the advertised show start time.

Image by Vitaliy Vorobyov

Dates & Times

  • Friday 26 January, 2024
    8:00pm – 10:30pm


  • Adults
  • Concessions
Age guidance: 14+ (under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult). Concessions apply to those who are students, over the age of 60 and those who are on JSA (Job Seekers Allowance), ESA (Employment Support Allowance) or Universal Credit.
Contemporary Music
DakhaBrakha (plus support from Bunty)
Friday 26 January

DakhaBrakha (plus support from Bunty) Tickets

June 1Sa2Su3Mo4Tu5We6Th7Fr8Sa9Su10Mo11Tu12We13Th14Fr15Sa16Su17Mo18Tu19We20Th21Fr22Sa23Su24Mo25Tu26We27Th28Fr29Sa30Su
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September 1Su2Mo3Tu4We5Th6Fr7Sa8Su9Mo10Tu11We12Th13Fr14Sa15Su16Mo17Tu18We19Th20Fr21Sa22Su23Mo24Tu25We26Th27Fr28Sa29Su30Mo
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November 1Fr2Sa3Su4Mo5Tu6We7Th8Fr9Sa10Su11Mo12Tu13We14Th15Fr16Sa17Su18Mo19Tu20We21Th22Fr23Sa24Su25Mo26Tu27We28Th29Fr30Sa
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January 20251We2Th3Fr4Sa5Su6Mo7Tu8We9Th10Fr11Sa12Su13Mo14Tu15We16Th17Fr18Sa19Su20Mo21Tu22We23Th24Fr25Sa26Su27Mo28Tu29We30Th31Fr
February 1Sa2Su3Mo4Tu5We6Th7Fr8Sa9Su10Mo11Tu12We13Th14Fr15Sa16Su17Mo18Tu19We20Th21Fr22Sa23Su24Mo25Tu26We27Th28Fr
March 1Sa2Su3Mo4Tu5We6Th7Fr8Sa9Su10Mo11Tu12We13Th14Fr15Sa16Su17Mo18Tu19We20Th21Fr22Sa23Su24Mo25Tu26We27Th28Fr29Sa30Su31Mo
April 1Tu2We3Th4Fr5Sa6Su7Mo8Tu9We10Th11Fr12Sa13Su14Mo15Tu16We17Th18Fr19Sa20Su21Mo22Tu23We24Th25Fr26Sa27Su28Mo29Tu30We
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